My colleagues and I formed CVS’s first RMN in-house agency, crafting creative for national brands. Ads run across their digital network and beyond.

In our first year, I built trust with the creative team and account managers by over-delivering, pitching bold ideas, and tightening CMX’s visual identity.

Time Frame



Build confidence in CMX by creating exceptional and innovative advertising for household brands


Sr. Designer

Creative Director

Allison Volpicelli

Project Managers

Francine Molina, Issa Reyes-Lao

Art Directors

Kaitlyn Gernatt, Alyssa Gibson, Greg Mingels, Glenn Soulia


Henry Cassidy, SungSoon DeSouza, Jean Hudson


Sarah DAngelo, Jessie King, Ese Ofurhie, Jack Savage


Illustrator, Photoshop, PowerPoint



  • Attention to Detail
  • Concepting
  • Design
  • Leadership
  • Relationship Building
  • Retouching
  • Strategy
  • Workflow Optimization


In preparation for the height of tick season, Elanco tasked us with creating a banner ad based on the copy, “Fleas and ticks suck. Stop sucking with Seresto.” Here’s what we came back with:

On the web

Bugs suck.

Strategy: Ticks are a constant concern for outdoor enthusiasts who hike with their dogs. This is an established market, and a no-brainer opportunity for Seresto.

On the scroll

Being itchy sucks.

Strategy: Pet compatibility is notoriously important to online daters. Marketplace is a first stop for supplies. Travelers taking or kenneling their four-leggeds are equally concerned about safety.

These ads micro-target self-identified dog- and cat-owners in select markets.


Strategy: We used Google Trends data to target markets with high concentrations of pet owners, and imagined high-visibility transit ads and CTV placements in vet lobbies.


You get what you pay for.

Unless we’re talking about ticks. You get a lot of ticks if you don’t pay for it.


Strategy: We chose objects for their usefulness to pet owners. (The doghouse sign, well.)

Doors: I mapped the art onto doors with Illustrator’s Mockup tool.

Doghouse: I combined several 3D models, and built the type as a 3D object. I mapped the logo onto the bed and added an inside light to improve visibility.


3D files may take a moment to load. Thanks for your patience. 🙂

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AR is not supported on this device

Frisbee & ball: I mapped the copy onto 3D objects, matched the lighting and camera to the photographs, and added realism in Photoshop.


Suckers suck.
Stickers stick.

Most suckers stick.
And some stickers suck.

But our stickers stop sucking.

Strategy: Each object congratulates and reassures pet owners on their decision to use the product.

This project challenged me to combine my photography skills with 3D and AI. Elanco’s openness to punchy messaging and the collaboration with my copywriter and AD made this one of my favorite campaigns at CVS.

Seqirus Flu Vaccine

The Challenge: Drive seasonal vaccination while updating legacy banners to incorporate elements from a new enterprise brand direction.

The Solution: A flu shot should be a no-brainer. I let the crisp, clear copy do the lifting and used generous white space to reflect the breathing room vaccines provide. The result was a flexible system that could be deployed for different vaccines, messages, and target markets.

Market: Proactive Health

Market: HFA (Household Financial Admin.)

Market: Families

Across the web

How I got there

I started an exploration with form and color, looking for a compelling way to tie the heart to the bandaid.

After simplifying the form, I tried to activate the space in a variety of ways. The gradient was meant to represent breath, but it overwhelmed the image, rather than calming it.

I kept experimenting. Ironically, letting go of the metaphor is what allowed the design to breathe.

With a clear working direction I tested the design with other copy and colors.

Now with the design solidified, I tested it in different sizes.

CVS-Brand Vitamins

The Challenge: Highlight a new set of vitamins as they went on sale each week.

The Solution: I created a system that would be easy to recognize as the products updated. Background colors reflected each vitamin’s benefits; yellow for alertness (B12), blue for stability (cognitive support), etc..

Across the web